I talked about it with some of you, but not everyone. The thing is that if you're interested in creating an English library at school for free, you should try this:bookfairs@bookworldespana.com This people is set up in Málaga and travels all over Spain with their van. If you book a day, they organize a bookfair in your school. Children can buy reading books in English at a good prize. Depending on the amount of money spent by the children, the school gets a budget, therefore free books. I honestly think that it's worthwhile. My school is quite big, three lines in Primary. 1st and 2nd grade students aren't allowed to buy the books by themselves, parents come at 5 and buy them if they are interested. Students from 3rd grade onwards are allowed to bring 10-20€ maximum to buy their books with the English teacher assistance. We
sort out the timetable so each group can spend about 30 minutes having a look at the different books. If they don't fancy any, they are not obliged to buy.
The first year it was a completely success, children were very enthusiastic about it, and the school got a budget of 600€. Since then we have a bookfair once a year. There are books for everyone, no matter their English level. They are easy to read and very attractive for them. In Spain you can only purchase them this way because they come straight from Britain.
Although it seems the opposite (basically for the comment's length, haha!) I have no commission from them. And if you
try it
out and doesn't work, say they don't sell a single book, don't worry, because IT'S FOR FREE!!!