Classroom Library

Are you a bookworm? Now that the classroom library is in full swing, write your initial impressions in the comment section. We're dying to hear all about it. If you are in a tight spot and you need to see a review of the book you are reading, just to be son the safe side go to the Amazon Online Bookstore, look up your book title and find out all about it.
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Library time!!!
I've started to read the book "The curious incident of the dog in the night-time". I've only read a few pages (I fell asleep),so I can't say much bout it by now. I love mistery books, and I think I'll enjoy this book because it's about the misterious murder of a dog.
I started yesterday because I couldn't sleep and I found the book pretty interesting, so it wake me up. The book is "Eleven minutes" by Paulo Coelho and it is about a Brazilian girl and how she became a prostitute. It is easy to read and nice.
I'll keep you informed.
Yesterday I started a book from Mary Higgings Clark: "two little girls in blue"
It is a trhiller. I think it is not really a very interesting book but it's quiet good to practise and improve my vocabulary.
The book is about two twins kidnapped but one of the kidnappers wants to keep the girls for herself...
Well the truth is I haven´t started reading it yet. I just finished one last week and I should go to the library and find something that interests me.
The one I finished last week is "Love Story". I watched the film a few years ago but never had the chance to read the book. I recommend it to you if you haven´t done it yet.
I just started reading 'About a boy? by Nick Hornby. I must say I'm completely absorbed in it. It's a very funny and entertaining book, with some drama as well. I strongly recommend it.
This is a short review of my first impressions about the five chapters of the book I have started reading. It's by Gerald Brenan, "South of Granada".
The author, a bristh young man, is a newcomer at a small village, Yeger, in a very remote place at the heart of Alpujarras mountains, after the First World War.He describes his arrival and first discoveries ina closed and isolated community.
It's an interesting book from the beginning!
I'm going to tell you about the book I'm reading at the moment. The tittle of the book is "The cement Garden" wrtiten by Ian Mc'Ewen. The book is about a common family that live in the outskirts of London; an area in decadency sorrunded by twenty story block of flats. Once day a truck stopped in front of their house and started to deliver lots of cement bags...
I choosed Notes from a big Country by Bill Bryson, but.... I only can tell you about the cover! I tried monday and tuesday night to start the book but I felt asleep every time.
I fall asleep very easily ,let's see if this weekend I have time to read!
Hi anyone,
This is the third time I write this comment and I hope this will be the last!
I'm reading "Teacher Man" by Frank McCourt (the writer of "Angela's ashes"). This is a self biography about the years he was teaching English language in some high schools in New York. I'm enjoying this book a lot because is a reflect of the American educational system from the 60's to the 90's and the writer explain his experiences quite ironically: some times funny, some times realistic... Enric
ok!!!it's my fifth (yes!!!my fifth try to comment on the book I've started reading today. It's called 'Transformation' and it was written by Mary Shelley, a woman whose way of writing I really advire a lot. I love the way she combines supernatural creatures with critical historical events so wisely. I've started the book this morning in the metro in the way to the eoi and it seems to me the book is gonna have me completely absorved in my trips from and back home these first hard days of July.
Hi, I'm reading " As I walked out one midsummer morning" by Laurie Lee. The book is about a young violinist who travels to Spain ,from London, just before the civil war broke out.
I chose this book because I think it's very interisting to know what foreign people think about our country. Moreover, when you start reading the book a "romantic atmosphere" involves you and feelings grow up in utter freedom.
"An autobiography is a book a person writes about his own life and it is usually full of all sorts of boring details. This is not an autobiobraphy..." In this way Roald Dahl starts his book "Boy, Tales of Childhood".
We have been studying this brilliant writer in my school as a part of a project to motivate children to read and to enjoy reading. It has been a great success and boys and girls have "devoured" all his books. That is the reason I have decided to read this book, in this two weeks. The plot is about different marvellous things that happened to the writer as a boy and a young man.
My purpose is to feel the same my children felt when they read this and the rest of the wonderful stories he wrote. I hope I will get it.
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