Tuesday, 26 June 2007

How to join the blog

When you receive the invitation, click on the link. As you are a new blogger, go to create a google account. Fill in the information, and create a password. Then write the letters/numbers that appear. Change the language to English, and then you can then post on the blog, create your profile, upload images and generally enter blogosphere! Remember you need to be a registered user to post on the main page. Otherwise, anybody can use the comments section to comment on what appears on the blog.
Best of luck

Sunday, 24 June 2007

Welcome to the course

This is a space where you anybody on the course can
  • exchange ideas and comments about anything!
  • practice writing and communicating in English!!
  • access resources and materials about learning English!!
  • explore this medium of group interaction!!

Look forward to seeing you contributions.